30 Day Draw Challenge and 3 Little Pigs Update

First off, today’s draw challenge was my favorite food. I had to think about this because I love food lol but if I had to eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be sweet and sour meatball sauce. I always make it in a large batch and eat it for about a week or so, because it’s so yum 😀

My three little pigs file disappeared when it was almost finished ;_; I know I saved it but I can’t find it anywhere. So last night I re-did it and I think this method will be better. The final will be in infographic form but right now I am doing it in “pages” and this is page 1:Image


30 Day Draw Challenge – Your Favorite Animal

30 Day Draw Challenge - Your Favorite Animal

I have a lot of animals that I find adorable and could count as my favorite but I decided to go with my nickname sake and draw a duck.

Way easier than drawing a person!

Reference: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9a26pT7zQ04/R1lgDn4dA1I/AAAAAAAADiA/33pS3_g8WiQ/Christchurch056.jpg

30 Day draw challenge – Draw a picture of yourself!


Well there it is, based off of http://www.cosplay.com/photo/2486691/   Somehow i improved at drawing people by not drawing people, which is awesome! Still suck at it though and I am not overly happy at how this turned out, it was better than my other attempts though lol

30 Day Draw Challenge

I’ve wanted to do this since  I came across the challenge and I saw it in my image folder and decided, today is the day. It’ll probably be mixed media because I love paint and ink along with sketching! Wish me luck 🙂

Story as a Graphic

So one of my friends posted on facebook that they are doing a project where they tell a story or fairy tail through a graphic. So I got thinking about it and I came up with an idea involving the three little pigs! It’s been sketched out and the characters / houses have been created! Here is my progress so far

Fanexpo Canada – Day 1

So after last year’s kerfuffle that was Fanexpo: Linecon, I decided that this year will be the deciding factor of if I will be returning to the con in years to come. For those who don’t know about what happened last year I’ll give a quick recap:

The con was disorganised and so they oversold tickets, this became a fire hazard and anyone who left the building to eat was trapped outside the con. I saw the line outside but was not informed what it was for, I then got trapped outside for two hours waiting for them to re-open the doors. Other people were trapped outside longer. There were no refunds, discounts, etc for this, which really upset people who came specifically for events that happened during that time. Sitting in the summer sun waiting to get back into a con you already paid for and were inside of, just because you unconveniently wanted lunch? Not cool.

Anyway this year they decided to do something about the unhappy patron’s complaints:

  • They extended the con by a day so it started on Thursday.
  • Tickets were available for pickup Wednesday
  • There were seperate lines for buying passes and picking up passes, they usually had this but they were in different areas to make things easier. We literally had no line to wait in when picking up our advance passes
  • They switched back to the larger building
Anyway, this is how my day went:

  • Wore Akira Kogami cosplay, comfy and not too warm but the tights got a run and I was stuck with them. There definitely could be a worse malfunction!
  • Roads were fairly busy and the parking lot was nearly full, I was expecting a pretty long lineup because of this.
  • Arrived and found there were helpful staff everywhere, including down the street from the convention center. We got directions on where to go and signs made it easy to find where we had to be.
  • The advanced ticket line was empty, sweet!
  • I enjoy the wristbands, they make it hard for some costumes but unlike last year where they put it on us we were able to put it on ourselves. I can slide my wrist out so when I wear taskmaster tomorrow I can slide it over the gloves.
  •  It was a bit of a walk from the tickets to the con, since the north building was where you picked up tickets and the south building had the con (which meant going upstairs, across a walkway, back downstairs, further downstairs, and then keep going down until you get to the basement level). It was a little weird to have it so far away from everything else.
  • Dealers room was standard for fanexpo but interesting. It was lackluster compared to last year but it may improve for Saturday.
  • There wasn’t really much for video gaming. There was a room for tabletop gaming which is awesome, and a retro gaming room which was nostalgia, but aside from that there wasn’t a dedicated freeplay / tournament area for people to plug in controllers and play fighting games (usually there is at least Smash Bros, but we were hoping for MVC or Street Fighter). There were demos of games (Halo, CoD, Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed) with large displays and a lot of “3D” stuff.
  • Found and bought a starscream toy, f-yeah!
  • Went to the Gaia panel and sort of won the balloon blowing contest, I blew up the balloon until it popped lol
  • Weird situation with staff. While leaving there were dividers that prevented you from going any direction but up the escalator. Someone must have gone farther than they  planned to and wanted to turn back. The down escalator (back in) was blocked by the dividers and so this guy slid underneath them so he could return. The security guard then yelled at him and made him go back under. This meant to go back to the con he would have to go up the escalator, then back down the other escalator and then around the base of the escalators to go back in. While I understand they are trying to maintain order, I think it would be better telling him off  rather than making him go BACK under which was the problem, and then go out of his way to return.
So far I am pretty split on if this con is good. I find it disappointing in some areas and great in others but there is still a lot of con to go. I’ll be wearing my Taskmaster costume tomorrow!

Summer BBQ

I keep cooking and never get around to posting pictures, luckily I had my phone at the bbq and was able to grab some pics before it got devoured!

Mango Shrimp Kebobs:
These were my main contribution, I saw a picture with mango shrimp kebobs and wanted some all summer. I found this recipe which includes an amazing sauce that made these super tasty. My friend who doesn’t like shrimp even had a couple since the sauce changed the flavor. I am a huge fan of mango but I found the pineapple was better than the mango on the kebob, the mango was also hard to work with and slipped around I would skip the mango and add another piece of pineapple if I were to do these again.

Blue Cheese Burgers:
My friend Josh, the bbqer, came up with these based off something he saw on TV, where they made burgers by putting blue cheese between two patties. Well he changed it up a little, he mixed blue cheese crumble in with the generic homemade burger stuff. These were delicious, although very strongly flavored – if you aren’t a fan of the cheese you won’t like the burgers.

Jello Dessert:
This was based on a triple layered chocolate pudding I saw in my Jello cookbook, but I just went in my own direction. The bottom layer is regular strawberry Jello. The next layer is strawberry Jello mixed with 2 cups of cool whip and chopped strawberries. Then I did a layer of Jello chocolate pudding, also mixed with cool whip! I topped it with a sliced strawberry, and a piece of chocolate.

How did I get star chocolate? I melted milk chocolate chips in the microwave. I stirred it up and poured it on some tinfoil (waxed paper would be better but I had none!). I let it sit in the fridge until it was cool and then I took a cookie cutter and peeled it off the tinfoil.


I have been neglectful of this blog! So here is a huge post with a bunch of little things.

Today I did a “what is your transformers name” test on facebook, I got Laser Claw. Obviously this is another casette to come out of soundwave to be friends with laserbeak, but what would Laser Claw be? I asked my facebook friends for the answer and was told it’s a rabid “lucky cat”. So here is me in transformed mode:


Last week was Kevin’ birthday and to celebrate I baked him a cake. It was originally going to be a Bartz cake since Bartz is his favorite final fantasy character, but he requested a Rainbow Dash cake last minute and I threw this together for him.

The cake was delicious! I didn’t have much time to bake so I used a packaged cake mix for vanilla cake. I chopped up some milk chocolate chips and threw them into the batter. Once cooked and cooled I cut the cake in half horizontally. I filled the center with a chocolate fudge frosting and some more chocolate chips. I replaced the top layer and let it cool in the fridge some more. Then I iced it with vanilla frosting, and decorated it. Did you know they have spray on food coloring? Best thing ever!

This birthday party resulted in the scariest picture of me, and the realisation that my friend’s iphone steals pupils

The reason I have been so busy lately, I joined World of Warcraft!  I’m Iradecima, a affliction warlock on Wyrmrest Accord. 😀 Though I have also been working on cosplaytutorial.com, particularily working on the first newsletter which went out at the beginning of the month!

oh and if anyone was wondering, my cosplay for fanexpo is going to be the UDON version of the taskmaster!

Anime North Photos & Tips

Hello I’m back. Anime North was fantastic – made a ton of money in the nomi, spent saturday hanging out with friends and had a delicious breakfast every morning! Plus, fluffy fluffy pillows ❤ There were also a ton of amazing cosplays at the convention, I wish I could have pulled out my camera more!

This year (2011) at Anime North I decided to start a new tradition: instead of just taking photos I want to ask people how they did things and share it with you guys. I didn’t get to ask everyone for some tips, I didn’t ask people who were busy or who were getting photographer swarmed, but I asked when I could and I’ll share what I learned.

Are you in any of these photos? If you are and would like to share some more tips, have your name credited or even if you’d like your photo taken down, please let me know! You can contact me at admin @ cosplaytutorial.com or leave a comment here!.

Pics with Tips:

Not sure what series this was from but the arms are impressive! The flat parts were built with cardboard and the fingers were carved soft foam.

Not really visible in the picture but this Pegasus used double sided tape to attach the millenium eye. 

I asked the sora what they used for the keyblades, the answer was wood. Always a good choice for a solid prop!

I met this Zelda in the card game room, her armor was made with craft foam and cord was used for the raised designs. Then everything was painted gold. I also asked about the ribbons that wrapped around the hair; She had an elastic at the top and bottom of the ribbon to hold it in place. At the end of the hair there were some small decorative pieces, she made these with sculpey.

This Celty was adorable! Her helmet was a pre-existing helmet which was modded. I asked her if she had any tips for other cosplayers who might be working on the helmet. Her advice: Spraypaint is your best friend for this project, and pay attention to the ears!

I caught this Shinku by the water cooler, her flowers were fantastic and so I asked where she got them. She said she got them from ebay, which means they should be findable by anyone looking for detailed flowers for a project. I also asked about her dress which was made from a velvet material, she suggested being wary of fabrics that fray because she had a bit of a mess when working with the fabric.(Random protip: If fabric is fraying a lot whie you are working with it, you can add some glue to the edge and let it dry. )

This Lavi’s hammer was made from a pre-existing cylinder, the holes at the ends were filled with cardboard and the final piece was apraypainted. I don’t remember what the pole was, I believe it was wood (either a dowell or a broom end) although PVC pipe can also be used for large hammers.

This Snivy is fantastic! After grabbing this photo I asked about the head, which was made with wire and foam. Of particular interest was the tail which is holding itself up, in the full version you can see that there is actually clear thread (fishing line?) that holds the tail up. It’s a great way for the costume to look nice, and keep it from dragging along the ground. I also saw another person’s solution to tail-dragging, which was to attach the tail to a small board with wheels!

The crown was gorgeous. Apparently it was made of spare plastic, then covered in mosquito netting (which gave it a fabric look). Then decorations were added, the pearls were from a necklace. 

This was one of my favorite costumes from the weekend, this dark magician was fantastic! Similar to the methods I used on my dmg hat, this cosplayer used cardboard to build up the shape of the armor and the hat. The shoulders are made from thin rectangular strips.

And lastly, although I didn’t manage to get a picture to accompany this, I saw a lot of people who had armor made from fabric. Many of these costumes were commissioned but it was still a really good idea. If you are looking for lightweight and comfy armor, or are just not able to work with any armor making stuff (particularily if you don’t have the room, such as in a dorm or apartment) then this is a neat route to take. The results are pretty nice, although it doesn’t have the same look as armor generally has.

Anyway, onto the rest of the pictures!

My Con Faves:

Other Pics:


Me & Kev:



Soooo anime north is getting close and I havn’t made a lot of progress, so I probably won’t be posting for a little bit. Just a quick update today!

cosplaytutorial.com got an update, I added the Yellow vs. Blonde wigs tutorial to the site! You can find it here:

I also finished kevin’s sword for his Bartz/Butz cosplay from FFV or FF Dissidia in the game sprite outfit 😀 The sword is cardboard and paper mache with a wood stick for support. The gem is glass that I bought from michaels and the tassle (kinda not visible) is from fabricland. Primed with modge podge, painted with acrylics and then another layer of modge podge for a glossy look that is also protective.